This is our Story

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It has been exciting to see how God has called the congregation of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to minister to the needs of the surrounding community and people from many other states both near and far. When we met in the Hernando Art League in November 1984 for our first worship service, dreams and ideas of building a church building were being discussed as more people came to join the original 24.

The small congregation rose to the challenge! We already had the lot on Hwy. 486 across from Citrus Hills Blvd. purchased by the then American Lutheran Church Synod for building a church. A Building Committee of volunteers was formed in March of 1986 and plans began to take place. We dedicated a beautiful church building to the glory of God on March 13, l988.

Through the years we continued to grow and serve the community, but our all-purpose church building no longer could contain our ministry. Our gracious Lord blessed us again with another building program for Phase II of our church complex. This new beautiful addition to our current church was dedicated in October l996. This building no longer only services our own church ministries but also those non-profit groups that serve the community in a positive Christ-like manner.

We completed a renovation project to expand our Sanctuary and all-purpose building as of November 2011. As a congregation, we rejoice in our Lord’s goodness and look to the future in confidence that He will continue to guide and bless us and our labors in His precious name. Please come and enjoy the new space with which we have been blessed.

A later renovation in 2015 included our beautiful stained glass windows, lovingly created by a gifted local artisan.  

 In 2019, we began renovating the kitchen and it is complete.  

Interested in becoming part of our church, contact the church office at 352-746-7161.

“My sheep hear my voice.

I know them and they follow me.”

— John 10:27

Church Council

Worship and Music